Очищеня промислових стічних вод та водопідготовка

Реалізація більшості промислових процесів призводить до утворення відходів, які потрібно переробляти, і багато компаній стикаються з необхідністю дотримання жорстких вимог щодо утилізації. Тому, переробка відходів є ключовою умовою для збереження ліцензії та розширення виробництва. Альфа Лаваль пропонує рішення у сфері оброблення води та відходів безпосередньо на промислових об'єктах, а також технології регенерації води, теплової енергії та отримання додаткових продуктів

Waste water treatment plant

Reduce your environmental footprint

All human, commercial and industrial activities produce waste products that are harmful to our environment unless treated. The world is therefore constantly on the look-out for ways to reduce pollution, provide clean water, use less energy and recycle energy already used. With growing populations and living standards plus water scarcity in many areas, there is also an increasing need for water reuse.

On the way to zero discharge

Alfa Laval helps reduce the environmental footprint from water and waste streams, by maximizing reuse of water, by turning waste to value, and by minimizing energy consumption and waste. Our wide spectrum of equipment helps companies

  • Meet effluent discharge criteria with efficient, compact wastewater treatment systems
  • Reuse water with our tertiray filtration solutions
  • Reduce the amount of waste for disposal, recover heat and produce biogas with efficient sludge treatment
  • Recover valuable products from your process for reuse or sale.  

Turn waste into value

See what you can gain from on-site water and waste treatment - and calculate your savings!Turn waste into value with Alfa Laval solutions

Why work with Alfa Laval on industrial water and waste treatment?

  • You can get equipment for both your main industrial processes, on-site wastewater and sludge treatment plus resource recovery from one and the same supplier.
  • You get a high quality, energy efficient process design with guaranteed results, designed to reduce the cost and environmental impact of your operations, based on deep understanding of your industrial process as well as waste treatment.
  • You can at any time draw on our expertise and global presence. We have more than 130 years of experience in helping thousands of industrial customers around the world tackle tough requirements for waste handling – from food and beverage, chemical and pharmaceutical to pulp and paper, oil, gas and other process industries.  


Download the brochure for detailed information.Solutions for circular economy brochure