Біотехнології та фармацевтика

Компанія Альфа Лаваль пропонує широкий асортимент гігієнічного обладнання для виробництва білків з тваринних клітин, яке максимізує вихід продукції та гарантує якість. Вибір правильного обладнання для ваших процесів є основою успіху та рентабельності у біовиробництві. Альфа Лаваль працює у цій галузі понад 100 років. Ми готові оптимізувати ваші процеси за допомогою широкого асортименту рішень для сепарації, транспортування рідин та теплообміну.

Biotechnology with pipette and beaker

Ensuring safe, consistent, cost-effective production while contributing to high quality end-products and high yields

  • Engineering experience and application expertise to optimize your bioprocesses
  • Gentle product treatment to secure highest yields
  • Cost-efficient operations – less waste handling and lower utilities consumption
  • Safeguard product characteristics and securing consistent quality
  • Extensive range of equipment and solutions for efficient bioprocessing
Alfa Laval is an established supplier to the biomanufacturing industry. With products and systems specifically designed and documented for biotechnology applications, we are a tried, tested and trusted brand. The diversity and knowledge of our global network of sales and service representatives enable us to provide customized and sustainable solutions to improve competitiveness and ensure consistent high-quality production.

At Alfa Laval, we believe in creating better everyday conditions for the pharmaceutical & biotechnology industry, so that together, we can help even more people towards a healthier and happier life. Watch this video to learn more about how Alfa Laval can contribute to your pharmaceutical and biotechnology processes.


Highlighted technologies


Case story: Hear from one of BASF's plant manager

Efficient separation on biomass with Alfa Laval's Bactofuge hermetic technology

Alfa Laval Hermetic Design

Learn about the inner workings of the Hermetic Design technology and how it provides gentle product handling and maximum product quality

Discover Alfa Laval UltraPure

Designed for the demands of pharmaceutical & biotech industries, Alfa Laval’s UltraPure pumps offer innovative features that can help to optimize production.

The first premium separation solution for single-use biopharma processing

Meet Alfa Laval CultureOne: efficient, proven clarification with gentle handling of shear-sensitive biological material, increased yield and improved protein recovery. Get ready to discover new possibilities for small-batch production with unparalleled performance.


Brochure: Equipped for success

Learn more about all the pieces you need to optimize your bio-based chemical production.

biobasedchemicals brochure 640X360