Централізоване теплопостачання

Alfa Laval plate heat exchangers and systems play a key role in district heating. This reliable and eco-friendly heating delivery method offers the flexibility to tap into a variety of heating sources, including energy from renewable or recycled sources.

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Economical, energy-efficient solutions

District heating supplies heat and hot tap water from a central heating plant via heating substations to individual buildings. Compact Alfa Laval plate heat exchangers and heating systems are key components in a district heating network. Compared to shell-and-tube heat exchangers previously used in district heating systems, Alfa Laval’s energy-efficient plate heat exchangers help decreasing operating costs and environmental impact. Alfa Laval heat exchangers and systems are used in district heating systems worldwide.

Convenient and flexible to use

For the consumer, district heating means a trouble-free way of getting energy. The central boiler of a district heating system is more convenient and more efficient than small individual house heating systems. The possibilities for using renewable energy and recycled energy from sources such as industrial processes and waste incineration make district heating a flexible and energy-efficient choice. 

Driving the future in HVAC

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