Unique Control LKB
Enhance flow control through your hygienic processing lines with the Alfa Laval Unique Control LKB, a maintenance-free actuator with an integrated control unit for LKB butterfly valves. Proven to perform reliably beyond one million strokes, this automation solution ensures process reliability. Dependable, straightforward and durable, it makes upgrading easy due to compatibility with Alfa Laval butterfly valves and all major programmable logic controller (PLC) systems.
An all-in-one automation solution for Alfa Laval LKB butterfly valves
- More uptime due to durable, hygienic design with tough composite casing that withstands harsh environments
- Superior flow control thanks to reliable, all-in-one actuator and control unit
- Easy to change from normally closed to normally open on site
- Clearly visible 360° LED indication of valve operation
- Easy one-type-fits-all upgrade for manual and automated LKB butterfly valves
Improve the flow control of your LKB butterfly valves and maximize process hygiene with the Alfa Laval Unique Control LKB, a maintenance-free actuator integrated with an intelligent control unit. It controls the flow of processing fluids for any application that has stringent hygiene requirements.
The Unique Control LKB fits all manual and actuated butterfly valves in the Alfa Laval LKB range. This quarter-turn valve actuator enhances flow control for products with high viscosity, high particle content, or low air pressure requirements.
Setup is easy, enabling quick upgrades of manual or pneumatic shut-off valves – five times faster than conventional solutions. This straightforward automation solution. is suitable for use across the dairy, food, beverage, brewery and many other industries.
Як це працює
The Alfa Laval Unique Control LKB uses an air spring actuator, enabling operation at a significantly lower air pressure compared to control units using a conventional mechanical spring. Based on the operating air pressure, the actuator configures itself and calibrates values by pushing a single button. The actuator also monitors the operating air pressure and sends alerts if issues require attention to prevent malfunction, thereby ensuring more uptime.
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